Friday, December 30, 2011


Yes it's true ... It's time for that yearly reflection on the life that is and was 2011!
What a year!
I got married - without the law backing us up, but with family who love and support us. The reception will be next year, as the circumstances surrounding the wedding weren't entirely the most joyful ... no, I wasn't knocked up but wow that would have solved a lot of future problems, lol
My father (not-) in law passed away and it felt and still feels as though a lot of the world has come to a screeching halt. We deal with it the only way we know how, and some days are better then others.
I left a job that was not so slowly crushing my soul and now have a job where I get to embrace the crazier, more joyful side of myself ... I'm so utterly looking forward to working in the baby baby room next year with two other wonderful people.
We moved into a house we love, no longer surrounded by abuse and the smell of pot. And I daily face demons of the past to embrace a healthier and happier version of myself.
So, to you 2011 ... thank you for the joys and steps in a happy future, goodbye to the demons of the year that have tortured it ...
Why hello 2012 ... I didn't see you there