Saturday, June 30, 2012

Atlas no longer

My shoulders ache

The crane of my neck

A constant agony

That send hammers to my brain

Vibrating through every nerve


My hands blister

From the grip tightened

On the near impossible

Tightening with each slipping second


Eyes meet and a sigh

It slips out of my grasp

I stand tall and feel the crack

And snap as limbs move again

Blood and sinew become

Limber and useful


The globe rolls away

And I smile


Clashing titans

Of brain and heart

Struggling for air


Strumming her fingers

Along my skin

Making me hum and quiver

The soft white flesh

Of my upper thigh

Looks ghostly

Against her tanned knuckles

I shudder at the sensation

Being strummed

Like a tightened guitar

In the hands of a true artist

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Voice of lies

It grates on raw, severed nerves


The lies within the words

That clench my fist

Bite moon crescents into flesh

White then red

A sting, a warning


Not enough!

Showering Together

Tears melt into

The warm heated stream

While somehow

Vulnerability and safety

Hold hands

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wheels and rain

The motors of the wheels

Chuckle as they pull up

In to the craft

At an angle the rain

Splashes against the window

Rivers and streams, thick and thin

Walking in snow

Ca-runch, ca-runch

Heel-toe, heel-toe

For safety and pleasure

Making my way

Along the white ground

Smiling at the sound

And the smell

And the view


Waking with dragon breath

Electric blanket warming my toes

I roll over and let my wife's cuddles

Warm the rest of me


I smile and let out a breath

That we can both see

Or would if she wasn't determined

To sleep another hour or two


I cuddle in closer

And match my breathing

The rhythm of the calm,

Patient and at ease


Sleeping evades once again

The unknown creaks

Try desperately to lull

Me back to the land of slumber


My ghost bird chirps

While the heater

Makes a mockery of

Mother nature and her winter


Bare flesh

I use only the sheet

To cover and convince

That sleep is still needed


3:30am, an hour


Friday, June 22, 2012

Lion Cubs

Small and playful

She jumps on sisters head

Fights over the offered meat

Gnaws at bones and at

Squeaky toys


Her copper coloring

Rougher fur then expected

And it's easy to forget

Just for that second

The true danger

The two sisters can pose


But at the moment

They are young and playful

And they half ignore

The petting of strangers

As they get photographed


It won't be long until the petting stops

And their need for food increases

And the smell of those

Offering the food is better

Then the butchered horse flesh


Through the window

And the windscreen

I see a world green

And full even in the winter

Ghost bird

The heater rattles

Like a bird flitting

Against the bars of a cage


I look over, knowing

Its just the heater and yet

I imagine the ghost bird

Chatting to me


Foreign and familiar

The combination

Of excitement and comfort


They wrap around me

And I'm buzzing

Energy that won't be contained


It electrifies my senses


It's an adrenaline thing

A pure excitement mixed

With true terror

It's a foreign land

A one off chance

And so I take every chance

To make it that much more

In flight

It's a slow rumble

More a hum

That starts in the ground

And works its way

Up through the souls of shoes

It makes your skin buzz

Adjustment is quick and easy


Slowly the crawl

As we taxi along

Impatience grows quickly

As the hum revs

And then reduces

Over and over again


The giggling and the fidgeting

Is there a problem?

Still slowly we amble onward

Turning a bend

And the way is suddenly straight

Right in front of us

And the speed spreads a smile


Quickly it builds

And presses heads against rests

Smiles widen and the angle changes


Outside rectangular windows

With curved edges

The world tilts and angles


The Lego world comes closer

As we lean toward the earth

Ears popping and pressure

All around, pressing against

Head and arms and legs


The bump and jump

The captains tinny voice

The seatbelts on again

And the angle once more

Less obvious with clouds and wing

Being the only reference point

As we rise higher


Again the pressure

Making my round stomach

Feel condensed and my

Already limited height being

Repressed even more


And then suddenly

The pressure is gone

And for a second a feeling

Of pure weightlessness

My stomachs drops


I can't suppress the giggle

That reminds me of years gone by

When we would speed over

Hills bigger then normal

And lose traction at the top

That feeling of weightless freedom

Monday, June 18, 2012

Honeymoon away

Yep, I went and got married to the love of my life and my best friend and we've just gotten back from a week over in New Zealand. It was our first ever trip overseas ... For both of us, and it was just amazing. I had no reception to be able to post, but I did still write quite a bit while I was over there. I shall very soon be bombarding my blogger world with them


Neen. C.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


It could have been sleeping

It's head resting upon the gutter


But its body belies the concept


The only other sign of death

A smear of blood

From the cracked nose

Eyes wide and glazed and unseeing


Brings back memories

That ten years later

Make my jaw hurt from clenching


The room darkens

With the scent

of oncoming rain

The smell of green

Fills every sense

And I can't stop smiling

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Close your eyes

If you closed your eyes

The sound could be mistaken

For the bashing of the sea against stone

It was ferocious and it cut

Right through your skin

And down to the very bone

Monday, June 4, 2012

Checking tickets

The rumbling hum lulling sleep

Until the nasal request

That cuts through even headphones


We all dig through bags bad pockets

In search of justification

To sleep in the moving carriages


All eyes get drawn to the too quick

Shuffle and tap against the doors

That won't open yet


Even slumberers pay attention

Some betting for capture

And others escape


We roll in, the squeal of tires

Slowly, too slowly the doors part

The quick slip of escape


A collective sigh

No matter the opinion

The event is over and sleep is lulled back

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Writing with pencils

The smooth sensation of graphite on paper

The ballpoint has nothing on this

It runs like a snake

Smooth and hissing

As my words and thoughts and fears

Come to life and send

A thrill of unequal measure


Pausing I tap the end on the table

Back and forth and smile

At the small pink reassurance

That makes the whole process bearable

Friday, June 1, 2012

Favourite things

The smell of coffee assaulting the world

Before the light of day cracks open eyelids

That scent of oncoming rain

And the feel of a lovers head in your lap


A sky where you can't count the number of stars

Feeling the rough texture of bark against your fingertips

Stretching out limbs like a cat in sunlight

Bubbles reflecting rainbows as they float away


Dancing crazy for innocent laughter

Dancing without a care alone with music

So loud that you can barely hear yourself think

And all you feel is the base through your spine


Cold nights curled up

With blankets and slippers

A rum to warm the veins

And a lover to warm the skin