Broken apart by cement barriers
The flicker nearly in unison
Sending out a cry of help
Like an SOS for nature
Broken apart by cement barriers
The flicker nearly in unison
Sending out a cry of help
Like an SOS for nature
With their convictions
And I dance
Cooking and singing along
Feeling the strength
Building inside
Of my very own chest
I feel the passion
Returning and burning
Beholding my own
Behind the stress
Remembering who I want to be
Without other lives expectations
It will mean having to say
That dreaded goodbye to some
People and things
But already I am lifted
From this reminding
Another day marked off
On the mental calendar
That of late reminds me of
The little engine that could
I think I can, I think I can
To get through the hurdle
To smile at the end
At the prize and the goal
I think I can, I think I can
The countdown is nearly over.
I sit bloated and swollen
The thwunk of the uneven road
Lulling my eyes
Already heavy with unnatural colour
Lower and lower
So I feel the tickle of my lashes
Against the skin beneath my eyes
Unplucked and unwound
To the rhythm of someone else's desires
There is a hollow sound
With each movement
And breath
And then a silence
Slowly the packets are opened
One at a time
The care given with strong
Agile hands
Caring and knowing
One by one they restring
Soothe and heal
The bitter sweet taste
Upon the tip of my tongue
It caresses my mouth
Like a long lost lover
And sends my nerves into heaven
Bite into my flesh
And send me soaring into
An agony that cannot be relieved
Through itching or ignoring
I feel my limbs start to give
The pain and ache too much
For this frame to bare
Another piece is taken
She clenches her tiny fist
And holds tight to my shirt with all her might
Her strength ebbs and fades
But the fist remains clenched
To her new found security
I kiss her forehead and feel the heat
It radiates with unnatural power
As her head pushes closer to my chest
"I know honey!" I whisper
As I begin to rock back and forth
Feeling impotent to her tears
And the smile
That spreads across the entire face
When nothing seems certain
And you question everything
That open honesty calms the nerves
The steps, uncertain but excited
Come closer
And I drop to my knees
Hands rest and cling
At the edges of my shoulders
And I squeeze back
Today I stop and say ... Hell no, we begin now.
Here is a poem inspired by my latest adventure - out to visit my partners cousin
It wipes across the darkness
A milky smudge of
An error or a highlighting
The pinpricks
Stand their ground
And shine through
Only out here I think
As I gawp at the lights
I have missed
I suck up their sight, their presence
Trying to memorize
Every twinkle and place