Friday, May 18, 2012

The poet within

I have set myself a new goal ... A poem a day!!! I have tossed and turned the idea, making excuses like 'when the new month starts' etc.

Today I stop and say ... Hell no, we begin now.

Here is a poem inspired by my latest adventure - out to visit my partners cousin


It wipes across the darkness

A milky smudge of

An error or a highlighting

The pinpricks

Stand their ground

And shine through

Only out here I think

As I gawp at the lights

I have missed

I suck up their sight, their presence

Trying to memorize

Every twinkle and place


  1. That's gorgeous, Neen!! Keep writing! xoxo

  2. Aw thanks darling ... I'm really enjoying this daily experience ... I see no reason yet to stop!
